Custom Creations Decorative Concrete, LLC
Custom Creations Decorative Concrete, LLC has a unit of knowledgeable flooring contractors in the area of concrete services. A few of their well-known solutions are epoxy flooring and glossy finish. Their team has 32 years of experience in ensuring that people will receive absolutely nothing but the highest level of service that people always seek them for people looking for floors that are easier to clean needs. Custom Creations Decorative Concrete, LLC has a well-established system that enables them to deliver solutions that will upgrade the lives of their clients. Our staff is professionals who are all licensed and acknowledged by the state in the concrete services industry. These are carried out by a licensed and well-trained crew. Based in Manchester, NH, Custom Creations Decorative Concrete, LLC focuses on floor refinishing and glossy finish. Along with their able personnel Custom Creations Decorative Concrete, LLC attends to each and every client to make sure they remain in expert care.
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Phone: (603) 945-8393
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