Brooklyn House Brunch

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944 SE Mall St.
97202 Portland
United States


Our manifesto:

"All living things at some level are in pursuit of breakfast items; they wake up and immediately start foraging. Waffles, malt liquor - the whole thing makes me feel like a hamster, or like the pig in the neighbors' yard, sniffing the ground for a beetle to gnaw on. Love, betrayal, jealousy - those are all the higher motives, the ones which spawn all the really quality literature and art, the useless cultural artifacts which people rig up because they've evolved to the point where they have way too much free time... while I'm functioning on this psuedo-pet level, running around the neighborhood like some weird, retarded mutt that got loose for a while, who will probably straggle back in time to pee on the lawn, and I'm not just extending the metaphor there."

-- Al Burian, Burn Collector #8

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N45° 29' 29.112" W122° 39' 15.264"
(45.49142, -122.65424)

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